Secure Your Content Today And Stop Hackers Dead In Their Tracks

Did you know that in January 2019 1.76 billion data records were leaked into the wild via data breaches? It's no wonder that data theft is one of the top concerns for consumers, and is one of the fastest growing preventable costs for corporations. With so much pressure to protect business and consumer data, it may seem nearly impossible to provide adequate security for many businesses. Thankfully, there are some easy steps you can take to secure your data, such as upgrading or building your site on the secure framework that Drupal provides.
The latest version of Drupal was released in 2015 and was specifically built with data security in mind. One of the first steps the core team of developers took was ensuring that all code met the rigorous standards provided by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). OWASP identifies the top security vulnerabilities and annually provides guidelines for developers to create secure web applications. Focusing on risks such as injection, session, authentication, data exposure and more, compliance with OWASP helps prevent the most common security attacks on your business and consumer data.
Additionally, Drupal employs a robust international security team that is constantly analyzing, reporting and patching potential vulnerabilities as they are found. Patches are rigorously tested by the Drupal community, verified by core maintainers, and pushed out to developers quickly and effectively. Because Drupal is built on the open source concept, it also enjoys a healthy international developer community whose members are dedicated to the improvement of the platform through viewing, commenting and contributing code. This proven method holds that the more eyes you have on a project, the more quickly potential problems are found and resolved.
Drupal's treatment of passwords and access control also helps to secure data and set it apart from its competition. All passwords are immediately hashed and encrypted to ensure hackers are unable to reverse engineer sensitive data. Additionally, one of the core components that was overhauled in Drupal 8 was access control. Refined access control permissions allow administrators to narrow down and restrict permissions for users, limiting their exposure to sensitive data. Permissions can be defined as broadly as administrator and public users, or refined down to more specific elements such as individual nodes, content types, modules, permissions and more.
Drupal is largely considered the most secure CMS and is trusted by some of the largest companies in the world (such as the White House, Walt Disney, UNESCO and more). Are you tired of losing sleep every night over the security of your business data? Contact us today and find out how we can help you build a strong foundation for your future growth through Drupal!
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