Why ReactJS is the first choice for innovators

Need a modern mobile app that is scalable, intuitive and increases your profits through a modern mobile app ecosystem? Years ago, starting mobile app development would be tantamount to signing a huge development contract and funneling large amounts of your profits into R&D. In the modern app landscape though, you don't need a million dollar budget to get a high-quality product. Top Fortune 500 companies, small startups, and innovators alike continue to gravitate toward utilizing ReactJS, which is simplifying their development and increasing their bottom line.
React JS is an open-source language built on the foundation of Javascript and is primarily used for building reactive web and mobile applications and user interfaces. Developed by Facebook in 2013 to provide an intuitive way to parse and render information in their newsfeed, ReactJS's ecosystem has since grown to include over 1000 contributors from all over the world and is deployed by some of the top companies.
Due to its origin within the foundation of Javascript, development for ReactJS is often simpler and more efficient than other languages. Javascript is currently the most widely used programming language in the world, which gives ReactJS a healthy development pool of talent. As opposed to other domain-specific languages such as Angular which require extensive training, anyone who knows Javascript can quickly understand the core structure of ReactJS apps.
Mobile apps developed with ReactJS are also able to be fully compiled for all major mobile operating systems through the ReactNative libraries, and the inclusion of JSX allows for easy rendering of components. In fact, one of the core benefits of using ReactJS is that it allows for system components to be reused and dynamically injected where needed. This cuts down on rendering time, increases performance, and ensures that components across the app function and render in a consistent way. Reusing core components also decreases development time, which equates to quicker turnarounds and faster deployment.
ReactJS's architecture was partially built in response to the top-heavy rendering structure of existing app languages. Many such mobile languages require a complete refresh of the content as the user navigates through, even when only 1 or 2 elements have changed. This tends to create performance bottlenecks, slowing down the entire app. ReactJS utilizes a relatively new model, which calculates and renders only the changes needed, vastly increasing performance time. An added benefit of this model is the prevention of code injections, making the app safer and more secure for consumers and businesses alike.
Overall, ReactJS has a healthy application development ecosystem that values responsiveness, code reusability, and performance. Due to these reasons and many more, ReactJS remains one of the top choices for innovators, small businesses and fortune 500 companies who are looking to increase their brand awareness and profit through the use of mobile apps.
Are you ready to make a change and create new opportunities for growth through ReactJS? Contact Code Koalas today and find out how we can help you build a strong foundation for your future growth through Drupal, React JS and other open source software!
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